All I can show of the secret project, so don't even go there... |
We have been on a hiatus as Martin (the humour brain behind this project) has been looking after his new born baby boy. In the intervening months I have been creating images for calendars and trimming down some of our old notes into manageable skits and snippets to film while I await his return.
I also had an opportunity to make two new puppets for another project that I'm not allowed to talk about here. (dun-dun daaa) I could tell you but I'd have to hunt each one of you down and kill you, but quite frankly, who's got time for that.
Having some spare time, I looked back on the existing videos we had made and it has become apparent that they are a little too long. If we had our time again, I think we would split the scenes into separate sketches and have them as a series instead. But, you live and learn! What else have we been up to? Err, Oh yeah! We also spent a day out and about in Norwich, visiting some temporary Gorilla artworks that interacted with us on
Twitter which was fun... Who knew Gorillas could tweet!
GoGoGorilla outside the Playhouse in Norwich! |
We have been digging Movember again this year -
our video still attracts visitors which is brilliant, and we have a total of 5729 views now which is also amazing! So a big thank you to everyone who is watching despite the lack of any new content!! Hopefully we are back up and running with some more individuals projects (John's Shed, and Chris' Fan Bag which is new) and the return of some old friends too. Thanks for watching, and we will be back picking up where we left off soon - :D
Show me the Way to 'Mo' Home - The Booze Bro Band of Puppets. |