Sunday, 17 February 2013

We need to go to the Pub!

The Local Pub gets a well needed make over
Out of the sets I had to build to film in, the one that was a touch 'throw away', ironically was the pub. It was only supposed to be a small filler location in the first episode, because we couldn't fit everyone into the flat at once. As Martin and I continued to write, the pub became a more popular place to add secondary story lines. Playing the pub games in Episode 2 was the most screen time we had spent in any one location up to that point.
Very cheap pub, and we don't mean the beer...
As we made our way through recording the next three installments, it became obvious that the set was going to need a drastic over haul. Newer set builds had started to show it up! 'John's Shed' had raised the bar somewhat and re-dressing the kitchen tiles only made the pub look more drab and lazy.

John's Shed, the place to be - but no Beers mate...
Martin wanted to have more scenes set in the local bar as well (seeing as it's where the actual band spent most of their time!) and I wanted to shoot a music video in there too at some point. It was decided, the Boar & Hare would have a makeover. I wanted to make it nice and light so the puppets would stand out. It would need to be a bland and possibly an unpopular, gastro-theme type pub fit out. Perhaps it could spark up debate within a future episode?!

Gastro-tastic wallpaper!
While I was out having a pint and shopping in Norwich, I came across a great piece of cheap fabric in a haberdashery that would make a great wall covering. It was a pale beige with slightly darker stripes.

If only real decorating was this simple!

I sketched out what walls I would need for filming and bought some MDF panels along with a piece of frame edging to use as a dado rail. I re-printed out the old  'Roast Dinner' and 'Quiz Night' posters. These I mounted in cheap supermarket picture frames so they would look like permanent fixtures.
I also decided to add our very own brand of that well known English Pub snack, The Pork Scratching! Seeing as the pub is called the Boar & Hare, I made them Boar Scratchings - it seemed only fitting.

It's a good start, Pork Scratching anyone?!

It's not quite finished yet. I think I may add another wall and the trusty dartboard will make a return, along with the cheesy horse brasses I had from before! I really, really fancy a pint now though....

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